Sin embargo, coincidiendo con la llegada del Papa, el Congreso de los EE.UU. ha designado la fecha del 16 de abril como el Día Nacional del Golf. ¿Por qué hoy? Voilà la respuesta:
Q. Why was April 16th chosen as National Golf Day?
JOE STERANKA: Obviously we're looking at when Congress is in session, and we set the date several months ago based on that schedule and members of Congress going back to district usually on Fridays now. So looking at this date coming right off the Masters, and Augusta National certainly did its part in promoting just how fun and accessible the game is. They had a historic telecast of the par-3 tournament that showed the players and their families playing the short course with a few clubs and having a lot of fun on the eve of a very serious, historic event in our country. So all of that was part of what contributed to today.
JOE STERANKA: Obviously we're looking at when Congress is in session, and we set the date several months ago based on that schedule and members of Congress going back to district usually on Fridays now. So looking at this date coming right off the Masters, and Augusta National certainly did its part in promoting just how fun and accessible the game is. They had a historic telecast of the par-3 tournament that showed the players and their families playing the short course with a few clubs and having a lot of fun on the eve of a very serious, historic event in our country. So all of that was part of what contributed to today.
Algunas cifras locales sobre el impacto de dicho deporte (que se debate -incluso en facebook- si debe ser olímpico):
- Es un sector que mueve 76.000 millones de dólares, con un aumento anual del 4.1%.
- Más de 3.500 millones de dólares promovidos mediante el golf para causas benéficas.
- 2 millones de puestos de trabajo en USA que representan unos salarios de 61.000 millones de dólares y un impacto directo e indirecto de 195.000 millones de dólares.
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